Ok back at the United Nations...

Omar Todd Talking about a place far far away in another Galaxy! BB-8 !

As a director Omar Todd often use drones. Their ability to capture the shot, or a specific movement has become a cost-effective tool for director, and now even big budget films rely on them, rather than the traditional methods, such as helicopters.To learn more, visit:

Omar Todd

Omar Todd presently serves as an online networking master and digital security proficient and additionally CEO and CTO Executive for different organizations in different enterprises. To learn more, visit:

Omar Todd

Omar Todd - How to Select a Drone for Aerial Photography

As a filmmaker, Omar Todd often uses drones. Their ability to capture a shot or specific motion cost-effectively has become a tool for directors, and now even big budget movies rely on them instead of traditional methods like helicopters.

Omar Todd
Do You Really Need It?

The first order of business is to decide: do you really need aerial shots or videos? If you do, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) () are likely to be your best bet. Not only they are relatively cheap, but thanks to the evolution of batteries and cameras, you can buy very powerful, movie-ready combos for as low as 300 dollars, or even less.

Technical Considerations

If you are using drones for filming, you’ll need a considerable battery life. You will very likely be filming your movies for hours on end, and most drones can only give you about 15 minutes of flight time, unless they are truly high-quality machines. This means that you will have to recharge your machine quite frequently. Still, 15 minutes can be enough to take care of your aerial shots, and even to record 2-3 different versions. This would not be possible with a drone that can only fly for four or five minutes. Other important aspects of the machinery include the presence of a Wi-Fi transmitter, which gives you a longer range than a traditional antenna could, and the propulsion.

Omar Todd is an experienced filmmaker who often relies on drones during filming.

Sources: http://photography.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-choose-a-camera-drone-for-aerial-photography--cms-24225

Omar Todd - The Benefits of Social Media Marketing

Omar Todd is a social media expert who has conducted successful campaigns throughout his career, earning himself a reputation as a highly capable social media consultant. The power of social media marketing can be easily measured from the simple fact that it’s still often considered to be the “next big thing” in marketing, despite its being well-known for almost a decade by now. It’s undeniable that social media campaigns can bring lots of value to companies or individuals who are willing to put in intelligent effort, but some benefits are more important than others.

Omar Todd

Brand Awareness

What’s quite likely the most important aspect of social media marketing? Brand awareness. Any company or individual who takes their product seriously must realize that its visibility is extremely valuable. How many people know about your product? Brand awareness doesn’t just help you lure in new customers. It makes your product more transparent, and more recognizable, even among your existing customer base.

Brand Loyalty

Brand loyalty comes down to a couple of different factors. Having a great product doesn’t hurt, naturally. But just because you have a great product doesn’t mean that all of your customers will permanently stick with you. Other companies could create better products, or products that are just as good or even slightly worse that could still end up performing better than yours. If competitors have a more effective social media campaign that you do, that alone can make the difference. To enjoy the benefits of true brand loyalty, companies needs to connect with their customers on an emotional level. A strategic social media campaign can do just that, hitting the right tones and influencing the relationship between the company and the customer in a meaningful and positive way.

More Chances to Convert People, and Higher Conversion Rates

Conversion, in the marketing world, implies that the recipient of a message takes a desired action. When message recipients buy your product, you have successfully converted them into customers. The better and more effective a social media campaign is, the higher its chances of achieving conversion.

A social media platform offers companies one of the best possible opportunities for building a following. These followings, when targeted with the right message at the right time, can cause conversion rates to go through the roof. And various studies have shown that social media and conversion rates go together hand in hand - the latter has double the lead-to-close rates of more traditional marketing methods.

Omar Todd fully understands the power and allure of these platforms, both from a user’s and an advertiser’s point of view, and takes advantage of them by creating highly effective social media campaigns on a regular basis.



Omar Todd - The Full Implications of Cyber Security

As Omar Todd often points it out, cyber security is now a protocol that effects almost everyone around the world.

Our Habits Effect Other People

Many experts today compare cyber security with public health, something which might have seemed ridiculous a decade ago but which today cannot be ignored outright. Our online habits - or our cyber hygiene, if you will - do not just affect us, but also our immediate surroundings as well. 

Omar Todd

The reason why you get a flu shot is to not get sick, but it also prevents you from delivering your unpleasant disease to other people. If you start to think about cyber security in the same way, you may realize that taking care of it in your business or private life doesn’t just stop you from getting the metaphorical flu. It also prevents you from passing the malady on without ever knowing it. 

Compromised devices have a ways of infecting others, and when a system is vulnerable to outside attacks, every one of its components can become endangered. Computer programs – in this context, mostly called bots and viruses – are just the tip of the iceberg. The criminals behind these viruses usually look for a weak link, and since cyber attackers are often supported by considerable amounts of knowledge and experience, their weak links don’t even have to be poorly-defended. 

Social networks and emails are some of the primary targets for cyber-attack, and insecure accounts are often the entry points attackers will use to penetrate them. Bitcoin miner viruses are the most recent examples of the damage that can be done, if one does not take seriously his or her cyber security.

Any Individual Can Suffer

Passing on computer viruses is not the only thing that makes it important to manage your cyber security. Cyber-attacks can compromise anyone’s reputation, which can be very hard to repair. Imagine the spam virus that turns a target’s email address into a spam account. The end result – sending out spam to thousands of people – can result in significant problems.

Shared Responsibility

Cyber security is everyone’s problem these days, and we all share a responsibility to help keep the internet protected. It’s in the best interest of internet companies and financial institutions to beef up their security protocols, as people become more conscious about these aspects of the world. The products and services of companies that work to implement strong cyber security is becoming more and more attractive every year. 

Omar Todd is a cyber security expert and a council member of the International Cyber Threat Task Force. 



Omar Todd - Social Media and Business  Metrics

Omar Todd has held the position of Global Technical Director of the Sea Shepherd Global since December 2012. He knows how to use social media to get tangible and specific results.

Omar Todd

Even today a lot of business people, including C-level executives, VPs, and managing directors are afraid of social media. It is easy to understand why. Business people at this level are very busy. They are managing teams of people, making important decisions about strategy, reporting to investors.

This lack of familiarity and understanding often results in contempt. Such people don’t understand how social media can be used for business. They have a lot of fears. One of them is “people will say bad things about my company, and I won’t be able to do anything about it.”

Social media can be used to improve all three of the most important business metrics: revenue, cost savings, and customer satisfaction.

The smart approach is to figure out what social media can do for your business, and then focus on the metrics that matter most to you. In addition to improving sales and customer satisfaction, social media can help businesses build loyalty, improve brand image, conduct research, and more.

For example, if you have issued a recall notice and your product has been featured in the news from a negative angle, your goal could be to use social media to protect your brand’s reputation. Your measure of success in this scenario could be a decrease in negative searches on Google that include your company name and a reduction of the number of negative comments on certain websites and pages.

Omar Todd knows how to tackle business problems using social media. If you are interested in social media solutions that deliver results, you can seek him out for help.

Omar Todd - A Unique Perspective about  the Internet and Social Media

Omar Todd has been building the social media online presence for Sea Shepherd Conservation Society since 1998.

Social media has more impact on the way we communicate than any other technology since the invention of television. Pagers and cellular phones simply added text messages to telephone technology that already existed.

Omar Todd
The Internet presented an incredible opportunity for businesses and non-profits to find new clients and build better relationships with existing customers, yet most companies did not immediately take advantage of this opportunity to its full extent. Well into the mid-2000’s, most websites were simply online versions of print brochures and materials.

Even today a lot of businesses and non-profits view their websites and social media pages as versions of their print ads. While it is true that social media needs to help organizations accomplish the same goals of profitability or exposure, the opportunities it presents are much broader compared to other media.

Today the Internet is no longer static. It is dynamic. The real-time nature of the Internet and online communications makes the Internet a living thing, powered by the users who consume information, contribute content, ask questions, and interact with each other.

Sure, a customer may still send a letter or email, or make a telephone call. However, none of those communications have the same effect as a Facebook comment, or a post or status update on Twitter. Nothing in the history of humanity and marketing has allowed customers to communicate in such a public manner.

Your communication can also be very different. No longer are you bound by the costs of print ads, direct mail, radio or TV advertising spots. You can message your customers directly with little cost, if not free.

Using effective social media tactics helped Omar Todd take Sea Shepherd Conservation Society to a #1 hit show on Animal Planet and with no real budget. The possibilities of social media are truly endless.

Omar Todd - How to Develop Content 

for Your Social Media

Omar Todd is a world-class Cybersecurity expert and social media strategist. He has experience growing online following from zero to millions of followers.

Omar Todd

Before you develop any content for your social media, you need to do some research.

You may know everything there is to know about your field. The reason for doing research is to collect as much information as possible about your target audience. What questions do they typically ask about your field? What are their main pain points, concerns, questions, objections, and frustrations? Once you know the answers to these questions, you can address them in your posts on social media, blogs, podcasts, and other communication.

You can do research using Quora, Reddit, Yahoo Answers! or other similar Q&A Networks that have a lot of users asking questions and discussing topics. Also, pay special attention to the links to other sources of information that you will find in the answers to the questions. Follow these links to see how other experts in your industry are distributing their content.

You may also want to conduct a survey with your existing customers or followers to find out more about their unmet needs and unanswered questions. Have those needs and questions in mind when creating new content for your target audience.

Some of the best strategies to use are storytelling, testimonials, and giveaways.

Omar Todd’s efforts in building the social media online presence for Sea Shepherd Conservation Society resulted in one of its TV shows becoming a number one hit on Animal Planet and receiving worldwide coverage.

Omar Todd - How to Take Your Social Media Presence to the Next Level

Omar Todd is an experienced Cybersecurity expert and social media strategist. He is best known as the WikiLeaks party cofounder and Global Technical Director for Sea Shepherd Global.

Omar Todd

Most of the content that businesses post on social media is purely promotional. It is advertising with a call-to-action. Here’s how many people think about social media: if we post sales content and it doesn’t sell, we need to be posting more of it. After all, it’s free. This leads to prospects and clients being bombarded with sales content on social media. If that’s the case, your prospects and customers will soon stop paying attention to you.

When you ask a question on social media, you immediately stand out because you are not trying to sell but are doing something different. Asking questions is a great way to stimulate engagement. It invites people to respond and join a conversation.

You can choose a provocative topic and have people engage in interesting discussions with each other. This is also an opportunity for you to ask for feedback, which shows your prospects and clients that you care about their opinion. Doing this will not only help your organization grow, but it will also build loyalty.

The worst kind of customer is the customer who doesn’t care. A customer who doesn’t care will easily leave you and go elsewhere.

A client may leave you a negative comment or review, and you may think that there’s no way to get them back. You will be wrong. The fact that a person spent time writing something negative means they were hoping for a reaction. Now they will watch how you react and what you do.

If you surpass their expectations, you can earn their trust again.

One of the best questions you can ask a customer who isn’t satisfied is very simple. Here’s the question: what can I do to make you happy?

While the question does look simple, there is a lot to it. The question talks about happiness and assumes that achieving happiness is possible. It implies that something will be done about the problem. It also has the word “you” in it, the word that shows the client that he is the priority in this situation.

A lot of businesses are afraid to ask this question because they think that their unsatisfied clients will come up with all kinds of unreasonable expectations. Businesses are afraid that the client will want millions of dollars in damages or will ask to get free service for life.  In reality, this is not true at all. Most people simply want their problem fixed as quickly and efficiently as possible.

As a social media consultant Omar Todd finds and applies strategies that help individuals, businesses, and non-profits reach their goals and gain millions of fans and clients.

Omar Todd - Things You Can Do To Help Save The Ocean

As the Global Technical Director for Sea Shepherd Global, Omar Todd is very interested in providing information and continued education to people who wish to do whatever they can to ensure the world’s oceans are conserved and stay as safe as possible for the marine life that call them home. The following are all things that the average person can do to help save the ocean.

Omar Todd

Be Aware Of The Seafood You Eat

Many marine conservation organizations try to raise awareness of fishing practices that are actually harmful to the natural environments that the fish inhabit. Be aware of the products that you purchase from seafood companies and do some research to ensure they use sustainable fishing techniques before you offer them any of your hard-earned money for their products.

Take Care Of The Beach

If you live in a coastal area, or you just happen to be visiting, pay particular attention to the condition of any beaches that you encounter. Many people fail to clear up after themselves following trips to the beach, which can lead to plastics and other harmful trash finding its way into the ocean once the tide comes in. Spend a little bit of time clearing up the beach to prevent this from happening.

Use Less Plastic

On a related point, Omar Todd recognizes that plastic products wreak havoc amongst marine life. Discarded products often lead to animals becoming entangled and are responsible for thousands of deaths every year. Re-use what you can and recycle the products that you don’t need anymore.

Omar Todd - Tips For The First Time Filmmaker

Omar Todd is a multi-skilled professional who has recently started branching out into film, having already worked in cyber security, social media and as a founding member of Australia’s WikiLeaks Party. He has acted as an Executive and Producer for such important films as Confessions of an Eco-Terrorist and, most recently, Defend, Conserve, Protect. These pointers should help anybody who is interested in using film to deliver captivating experiences to their audiences.

Omar Todd

Consider Your Aesthetic Approach

The time you have, equipment you are using and the message of the film itself are all going to play important roles in your aesthetic approach, so it is important to take them all into account. If a film is meant to be gritty and realistic, for example, you should avoid techniques that add a little too much shine to scenes.

Organize Your Crew

Having the right people working on the shoot is vital, as is ensuring everybody in the crew understands the roles they need to carry out. Hold production meetings that involve everybody in the filmmaking process, allowing you to deliver instructions as needed, in addition to providing a forum for crewmembers to talk about their ideas. Above all, make sure that everyone in your crew understands what they should be doing before you start shooting.

Have Passion

Omar Todd has experienced so much success as a filmmaker because he has passion for the subjects that he covers. If you don’t care about your project, it is likely that you’re going to start neglecting important aspects of it that could result in your final product being very poor.

Omar Todd - The WikiLeaks Party

Omar Todd is a co-founder of the WikiLeaks Party in Australia, which took part in a number of federal elections with the aim of providing a political party for those who wish to see more transparency and accountability within the government. The party was formed with the goal of promoting the ideals that formed the basis of the WikiLeaks website and was helmed by Julian Assange. Having taken on a role as Deputy Chairman directly under Julian Assange following those elections, Todd now hopes to enhance the profile of the party and better explain its overall aims.

Omar Todd

The Ideology

One of the WikiLeaks Party’s main aims is to promote the protection and security of people who believe in the free flow of information, particularly in regards to newsworthy matters. In fact, some of their policies during the 2013 election included offering a national shield law to journalists in Australia so that they would maintain a right to not reveal sources, while also offering protection for whistle-blowers in the interests of promoting free information.

These aims were solidified by Party CEO John Shipton, who stated that: “The party stands for what Julian espouses — transparency and accountability in government and of course human rights.”

Assange himself has said that the party would aim to promote the objectives of WikiLeaks in terms of promoting openness and transparency within government and politics.

Omar Todd is involved in the party because of his belief in these causes and he, along with the rest of the party’s members, hope to practice in politics what the WikiLeaks site has already started in regards to free information.

Omar Todd - How To Get More Social Media Followers

Omar Todd is a social media expert, having worked alongside a number of individuals, businesses and non-profit organizations to help them to increase their exposure and gain more followers. His work has resulted in him being nominated for a Webby Award, in addition to being made a finalist in the category of Best Social Media Manager at the Shorty Awards. Many organizations, particularly those that are not very tech-savvy, struggle to comprehend the enormous impact that strong social media profiles can have on their businesses. Even those that do understand often find they hit barriers when it comes to actually getting more followers. These pointers cover some of the basics and should help anybody who is new to social media develop a following.

Omar Todd


The more influential you are, the more likely it is that people will follow you. Of course, those who are new to social media must first work on building a reputation in the first place. One of the best ways to do this is to follow the accounts of the movers and shakers in your industry while also contributing to any active discussions or groups where your expertise will be recognized for what it is. This will result in more people in your industry following you, which in turn could lead to more followers finding their way to your account through the accounts of your followers.

Stay Active

Social media moves fast and those who wish to build reputations need to keep up if they are to stand any hope of gaining followers. Your work is not done just because you have started a Facebook or Twitter account for your business. In fact, it is just beginning. Your job now is to update those accounts as much as possible, keeping them active while providing interesting or newsworthy information in the process. Strike the right chord and you will find your post being shared by your existing followers, which often leads to new people discovering you.

Be Entertaining

Many businesses struggle to mesh a professional attitude with the entertainment value that many people who use social media sites seek. However, it is important to remember that humor can go a long way towards humanizing your brand, making it more appealing in the process. Understand where it is safe and acceptable to use a little bit of humor, but be sure to temper your enthusiasm for comedy in situations where it really isn’t warranted.

Offer Exclusives

Omar Todd notes that people are more likely to listen to what you have to say if they feel like they are amongst an exclusive few who get to hear it. This same principle can be applied to your social media accounts. Make it a point to offer information, products or deals that aren’t available to non-followers to attract more attention.

Omar Todd - Cricket – A Sport for Gentlemen

For over a century, cricket has held its place as a top European sport that captures the interest of fans on an international scale. Omar Todd, politician, IT professional, and environmental conservationist, has seen his share of Cricket sporting events and enjoys playing in his free time to stay in shape and experience the outdoors.

Omar Todd

First played in England, Cricket was supposedly formed by Shepherds who herded their flock. The game later caught on by the likes of aristocrats and has since been affectionately bestowed the title of, a "gentlemen's game".

Played by two teams of 11 athletes per side, Cricket is a sport that provides for hours of entertainment for diehard fans around the world. Cricket can be played in several formats, one of which even allows for the game to be played over a span of five days. The game was declared the national sport of England by the end of the 18th century and has now expanded to be of great interest in Australia, the Indian subcontinent, Southern Africa, and the West Indies.

Whether being played in a casual setting or on a professional level, Cricket is one of the oldest sports with a rich history for those of all backgrounds and means. For professionals such as Omar Todd, watching a good game of Cricket allows for time to get away from the pressures of work and spend time with family and friends. Playing the sport on a non-professional level allows for recreation, team building with friends and colleagues, and a unique way to maintain fitness and health.

Omar Todd - Safety while Travelling Abroad

Cyber security and IT specialist Omar Todd is one of many professionals who enjoys taking the time to travel the world. As a common interest for many who enjoy experiencing new things, traveling abroad is a great way to connect with coworkers around the globe, better understand and learn from other cultures, or simply relax and spend time enjoying something new.

As an adventurous person with an extensive knowledge of security threats and counter measures to protect oneself against danger, Omar Todd enjoys traveling with caution and common sense as an ally. One of the many ways people such as Todd are able to travel at ease is through using the internet as an aid. Sites such as the Nations Online Project collect travel information regarding warnings from around the world to help travelers and citizens make informed decisions regarding their travel plans. Information such as security and safety conditions, country entry requirements, and questions regarding health are some of the benefits of online sites that aim to help travelers stay prepared for every aspect of travel safety.

Omar Todd is one of many IT experts who believes in maintaining caution while traveling and using technology. Maintaining safe and secure passwords and methods of storing data is also one of many ways to minimize travelers' risks while entering unfamiliar countries. Remaining cautious and having common sense when using the internet can help plan a trip that avoids unsavory locations and dealing with those who may take advantage of foreigners. There are many ways to use the internet in order to maximize the traveling experience as long as travelers do their research and are prepared in advance for detours that may come their way!

Sources: http://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/travel_warning.htm

Omar Todd - Protecting the environment – Ocean Conservation

Almost any meal you have ever consumed can be attributed to some part of nature. Nature conservationists like Omar Todd understand the value nature has in everyday life for humanity and how the vast benefits we are gifted with are often taken for granted. It is through the efforts of caring individuals such as Todd that we can preserve the gifts that nature gives and educate others on the human effect on nature through activities they may otherwise never consider harmful to the environment.

Omar Todd

Many have no knowledge of the vast effects human activity places on our precious resources. 15 million hectares of forest, the equivalent of more than 75,000 football fields, are burned to the ground annually. Three-quarters of the world's coral reefs are in danger. With an estimated 500 million people depending on these reefs for vital resources such as medicines, shelter from storms, food, and tourism income, many of the world's most vulnerable inhabitants are seeing their way of life threatened every day. Over 1 billion people around the globe depend on the ocean for basic, essential nutrition, and over 30% of fisheries are either depleted or are experiencing severe overexploitation. Many have already seen the effects of a depletion of nature's resources. The supply of water around the world simply cannot meet the demand in many parts of the world. It is estimated 783 million people lack access to clean water. The demand for food in general around the globe is expected to double by the year 2050, which raises concerns as wild pollinators are dying. With 75 billion tons of soil seemingly disappearing annually and the rise of droughts each year, the increase in the need for food with a decrease in the means to supply this need are concerning to say the least.

One of the most precious resources we must strive to conserve are our oceans. Marine conservation focuses on the protection and preservation of the oceans and seas and their delicate infrastructures and ecosystems. By limiting the amount of mankind caused damage, vulnerable marine species are more likely to thrive. With the link to coral reef deterioration showing a direct correlation to human activities, it is estimated that 88% of reefs are threatened in part by excessive carbon dioxide emissions.

While humans may cause the most harm to the ocean and its ecosystem, mankind has the ability to alter behavior in order to limit the negative effects on nature. Many successful professionals such as Omar Todd, choose to spread awareness in whatever way possible and contribute to various organizations both financially and through time and talent. One manner in which Omar Todd is able to contribute to the cause is through his filmmaking, creating a voice for nature and animals that may otherwise go unheard.




  Omar Todd - Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA)

The Information Systems Audit and Control Association, or ISACA, was created in 1967 when a small group of individuals who worked in computer information systems came together to provide a source of information and resources for the field. Omar Todd, a member of ISACA and IT expert, is one of many well-known cyber specialists whose membership with the ISACA helps to provide a better community for those working in information technology.

The ISACA now solely goes by its acronym to better cover the wide range of IT professions in which the organization serves. With over 140,000 members worldwide, the ISACA is a leading example of diversity within the industry and works to provide the most current and relevant information for those in the field. Memberships are held in over 180 countries and cover a wide range of IT professions such as internal auditors, CIO (Chief Information Officers), IT consultants, Information System Auditors, regulators, cyber security professionals, educators, and many more. Having such a wide range of professionals in the field provides the best in perspective and networking possible. Maintaining relevance along with the breadth of experience is something the ISACA prides itself on and it able to accomplish through this diversity.

Omar Todd

The ISACA community has over 200 chapters in 80 countries across the globe which provide resources, education, networking, and professional advocacy on more local and individualized level.  The work of the ISACA has helped to set the pace for the governance and security of information technology around the world and continues to educate those in the field, both new and seasoned in the profession. The organization has become a place that allows members to speak about the challenged the industry faces and what effects professionals on an individual basis. This outlet is an excellent way to see trends in the profession and allow for a network of possible solutions to be provided by those who are in similar situations themselves.

The certification the organization offers, Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) is recognized globally and has been awarded to more than 100,000 professionals since it was first offered. Other certifications offered by ISACA include Certified Information Security Manager (CISM), Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT (CGEIT), and Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC).

For those who have received these certifications, such as Omar Todd who is a Certified Information Systems Manager (CISM), the added education has provided value that helps propel careers and set individuals apart in the profession. For Omar Todd, staying abreast of the hot topics in Information Technology is important. As a busy CEO, CIO, and CTO of several organizations and ventures, Todd is able to apply his knowledge on a wide scale of IT environments, making his a valuable asset to the organizations in which he works with and to the employees in which he manages.

Omar Todd - Are You Asking These Three Questions When Hiring a Social Media Consultant?

Omar Todd is an expert when it comes to social media, the proper use of the Internet, and cyber-security for individuals and corporations. He has worked as a cyber security and social media consultant for non-profit organizations, corporations, and individuals.

Omar Todd

Omar Todd performs an important service in today’s online dominated world. Social media and other platforms on the Internet provide organizations, individuals, and corporations to market themselves for free. Hiring a social media consultant like Omar Todd is an important investment. Here are three questions that should be asked when hiring a social media consultant.

It is important to ask, “How successful are you in your own social media networks?” It should be expected that social media consultants operate their own social media accounts at a successful rate. If they can’t operate their own networks successfully, why would they able to do it for a client? This is a good barometer of how skilled of a social media user they are.

Secondly, it is important that social media consultants possess knowledge of the industry and market their potential clients are in, which is why it is important to ask them, “Do you understand my market?” The more knowledgeable they are of an industry, the better help they can provide for creating an online presence.

Lastly, organizations, corporations, and individuals hiring social media consultants should ask for references and examples of previous works. Good candidates will willingly provide a list of previous clients and share examples of previous work. If they are good at their job and have done it well in the past, they won’t hide anything.

Omar Todd - Did You Know These Three Fun Things About the Ocean?

Omar Todd is the Global Technical Director of Sea Shepherd's Global, which is one of the largest international marine life conservation organizations in the world. The fight illegal activities on the open sea, while also educating people and getting them involved in protecting marine wildlife. They hope that their efforts will conserve the ocean and its inhabitants for generations to come.

Omar Todd

Part of Omar Todd’s job is to use social media to educate people about the ocean. Here are three fun ocean facts.

  • Scientist and marine biologists know less about the ocean than they do about Mars. In fact, there are better and more detailed maps of the surface of Mars than there are of the ocean floor. About 10 percent of the ocean has been explored and less than 5 percent of the ocean floor has been explored.
  • The Mid-Oceanic Ridge is the largest mountain range on the planet, and it is entirely under water. This mountain range runs from the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, all the way to the Indian and Pacific oceans. It over 35,000 miles long, it’s peaks are higher than those of the Alps, and it amasses to approximately 23 percent of the Earth’s entire surface.
  • Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin had walked on the moon’s surface before any divers had ever explored the Mid-Ocean Ridge. A French-American crew of seven divers entered the ridge for the first time in 1973, a full four years after man walked on the moon’s surface, and a full 12 years after human’s first entered space.

Omar Todd - Three Reasons Why Non-Profit Organizations Should Use Social Media

Omar Todd has spent his career as an important voice in the cyber security community. He is the founder of the Internet Society of Australia, a Council Member on the International Cyber Security Task Force, and the Deputy Chairman of Australian political party The Wikileaks Party, which is chaired by Julian Assange. He does, however, have a significant amount of experience providing social media advice for non-profits.

Omar Todd

Omar Todd is the Chief Information Officer, Cyber Security Expert, and Social Media Consultant for Sea Shepherd Global, a marine wildlife organization. He helped them build up their social media presence with no budget. Here are three reasons why non-profit organizations should utilize social media.

The first reason is that social media is the best way for non-profits to engage and connect with people. Nonprofits can ask questions and people can ask them questions on social media. Social media also provides non-profits the opportunity to open up dialogue and gather more support.

Most people will visit a non-profit’s website to learn about the organization and never go back there again. This means that there is a large audience out there who are missing out on the updates that are constantly provided by non-profit organizations. Social media should be used by non-profits to post their updates because more people will see their posts.

Whenever content is shareable, it receives exposure. Non-profits should take advantage of this and use social media to share content. A recent example of a non-profit organization that did this well is ALS Association with the Ice Bucket Challenge.

Omar Todd - Three Reasons Ocean Pollution Damages Marine Wildlife

Omar Todd has been involved in conserving and preserving marine wildlife for most of his adult life. Since 2012, he has been the Global Technical Director of Sea Shepherd Global, a marine wildlife conservation organization that spreads awareness and makes a difference in marine wildlife, allowing ecosystems to thrive for generations to come.

One major aspect of Omar Todd’s job is getting people involved in the Sea Shepherd’s efforts. Educating people is the best way to encourage involvement. Here are three reasons how ocean pollution causes serious damage to marine wildlife.

  • Often, when trash and debris are dumped into the ocean, it is done so hundreds of miles away from land. However, much of this waste still ends up on beaches and coastal areas because of the currents of the ocean. Man-made chemicals and debris affect anything that comes across this waste between the dumpsite and the coastal areas.
  • The North Pacific Gyre is an island off of the coast of California is the largest garbage dumpsite in the ocean. The number of floating plastic outnumbers marine life in the area by six to one. This dumpsite island is twice the size of Texas and is a major source of ocean pollution, causing damage to anything within the vicinity.
  • Oil spills only make a small percentage of oil that is dumped in the ocean. Most of the oil that ends up in the ocean arrives there via drainage from land. Oil is now one the most detrimental sources of ocean pollution because it suffocates marine life, causing death, behavioral changes, and destroys thermal insulation of animals that require such insulation to survive.
Omar Todd

Omar Todd - Campaigning Tips for Political Parties

Establishing a political party is no easy feet. What is even more difficult is campaigning for a candidate and their political party. A person who has done both is Omar Todd.

Omar Todd is a co-founder and Deputy Chairman of former Australian political party The Wikileaks Party. The Wikileaks Party ran in the Australian election in 2013 and received 0.66% of the national votes. The chairman of the party is controversial figure Julian Assange.

Omar Todd

Omar Todd is an expert in cyber security and believes strongly in the party’s principles of encouraging civic courage and the free flow of information. This is why he was an excellent person to be one of the leaders of the party.

Here are three campaigning tips for political parties.

  • First and foremost, a good political campaign has a developed map that leads directly toward victory. A campaign plan is something that is constantly changing. It is important to edit campaign plans depending on differing variables that come up on the campaign trails. Political parties live and die by their campaign plans.
  • Candidates on the campaign trail should spend more time listening to the voters, rather than speaking to them. Elections are after all about the voters, so it is important that candidates are in touch with the people who are voting. It is important to remember this tip because campaign managers and candidates easily get caught up in their selves.
  • Lastly, it is very important to establish the budget of the campaign. There is no point in campaigning if the campaign lacks enough capital to run a successful campaign. Campaigns that are under funded will fail, which is a waste of time for the voters.

Omar Todd - Tips for Maintaining a Secure Social Media Account

Omar Todd is one of the most experienced cyber security experts in the global Internet community. He is a Council Member of the International Cyber Security Task Force, the founder of the Internet Society of Australia, and the Deputy Chairman of The Wikileaks Party, which is Julian Assange’s political party in Australia. He has also done extensive work on developing social media awareness for organizations while also providing cyber security advice.

Omar Todd

The need to understand the importance of maintaining a secure social media network account is growing. Although we as Internet users have become more knowledgeable on what is safe and not safe to do online, the bad guys have also become better at what they do. Here are three tips to help maintain the security of a social media account.

  • Nobody should ever add, follow, or accept a friend invitation from a person on social media that they do not know. Identity thieves are known to create fake accounts and profiles in an effort to acquire information from other users.
  • It is important that people assume that everything they post on the Internet, and therefore, on social media, is permanent. Even when an account is deleted, the information, pictures, videos, texts, messages, and posts are all still on the Internet.
  • Avoid using social media at work, not because it is poor work practice, but because it is possible that users are putting their employer’s network at risk of contracting malware and other viruses. There are increasing reports of phishing scams, viruses, and spyware spreading into workplace networks via social media.

Omar Todd - Three Ways to Help Preserve Marine Life

Omar Todd is a man of many skills. He is a co-founder of The WikiLeaks Party, a political party in Australia set up by Julian Assange, he is a cyber security expert, and he is an ocean conservation activist. He is currently the Chief Technical Officer and Chief Information Officer of Sea Shepherd Global, an organization that focuses on marine wildlife conservation.

Omar Todd

Organizations like Sea Shepherd Global cannot rely on their own efforts to make a difference in marine conservation. They need contributions for people all over the world. Here are three ways that anyone can help preserve marine wildlife.

  • Overfishing is a global problem. The by result of that is the creation of fishing farms, however, fishing farms can cause lasting damage to habitats and ecosystems. This is why purchasing and eating seafood that is sustainable is one way that anyone can help preserve marine wildlife.
  • According to One Ocean, One World 50 to 80 percent of debris and waste found in the ocean is plastic. Plastic items are dangerous because they easily attach to marine wildlife, causing them injury and sometimes death. Reducing place use is another way that anybody can help preserve marine wildlife.
  • Climate change has had an effect on marine wildlife because of rising sea levels and the acidification of oceans. The continued change in climate will have a lasting effect on ecosystems. To combat this, we need to reduce our energy use and switch to more sustainable methods of producing energy.

Omar Todd started out as a volunteer with Sea Shepherd Global and slowly worked his way up the organization.

Omar Todd - Three Important Cyber Security Tips

Omar Todd is one of the most influential figures in the cyber security world. He is the founder of the Internet Society of Australia, the co-founder and Deputy Chairman of the Wikileaks Party in Australia, and a Council Member of the International Cyber Threat Task Force. He has additionally worked as a consultant and Chief of Technology Officer for multiple organizations and corporations where his specialties in cyber security were utilized well.

The Internet is becoming an increasingly powerful machine and has been for years. The growth of the Internet though has created more opportunities for cyber crimes to be committed, though. Here are three important cyber security tips.

Omar Todd

First and foremost, it is important to never have the mindset that it “could never happen to you.” People with this mindset are more prone to cyber attacks because they take little if any care to protect their selves. Everybody is prone to and are attractive to hackers.

One of the most basic cybersecurity practices is maintaining good password management. It is important to use a strong mix of characters, meaning mixing numbers with letters and punctuation marks, while also using different passwords for different websites. Do not write passwords down in obvious or public places and never share a password.

It is very important to be careful when clicking on attachments and links in emails, especially from addresses that the recipient does not know. Sometimes phishing techniques are used to con people into clicking on a link that takes them to a domain with harmful material.

For more details: https://plus.google.com/+OmarTodd

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Drones

Over the last few years, drones have become quite popular with several agencies using them. Drones have different names and are sometimes called surveillance drones, or spy drones. The accurate technical name for a drone is Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). Drones are scaled functionally model airplanes that can be used for utilitarian purposes other than just for enjoyment. Drones can be either controlled by a remote control or through a computer. Here are a couple of advantages and disadvantages of using drones.


  • Drones are used in combat areas where it is dangerous to deploy soldiers. It helps save lives as it puts military personnel out of harm’s way.
  • Drones are much cheaper to purchase than regular airplanes and can be used for a variety of purposes.
  • Drones are low risk as they are smaller and can fly lower than airplanes; they are less prone to risks from the military hardware.
  • Drones do not require pilots, and they can be used for more time without fatigue. The controls can also be easily handed over to another operator without any downtime.
  • Drones have excellent accuracy from greater distances and reduce the risk of collateral damage when used in civilian areas. Their accuracy is also an advantage in combat zones.
  • Drones have been used for spying in the past and have proven to be excellent in increasing surveillance and reconnaissance.
  • Drones are much faster and easier to deploy than other alternatives.

Omar ToddDisadvantages

  • Drones have limited abilities as they cannot communicate with civilians for detailed intelligence. They cannot be used to capture enemy combatants or abandoned hardware in a war zone.
  • Drones used in war have caused collateral damage to civilians and property similar to traditional warfare machinery. Collateral damage to civilians has caused people to view drones as an invasive force.

Omar Todd believes that drones can be used to record and transmit data in environmental conservation projects.

How to Protect Your Social Media Account

Almost every day someone’s social media account is being hacked. Cyber criminals seem to be relentless in their efforts to hack into people’s computers and steal important data. Here are a couple of tips you can use to protect your social media account.

Omar Todd


If you receive a private inbox message from someone you haven’t heard from in a while, or from someone, you do not know. Do not click on any link that might be present in the message. Rather, if you know the person, ask them if they messaged you. One way to check if the message is not malware, check it for grammatical errors.


It is recommended to change your passwords regularly. Avoid using your name, birth date, or even a combination of both as passwords. Do not use the same password for multiple social media sites and email accounts. You might want to change your password every few months and make a note of your passwords in a paper notepad. Avoid storing your passwords on your mobile phone as it is not safe.


Social media sites are chock full of applications for just about everything. You most probably have allowed a couple of applications access to your data. Make sure your application passwords are regularly changed and delete any apps that you do not recognize or have stopped using.


If you notice that your account may have been compromised, you should notify the social network’s help center immediately. After reporting the issue, you will need to proceed to change your passwords so that your account remains safe.

Omar Todd is one of the founding directors of the Internet Society of Australia.

What You Need to Know About Cyber Security

It seems everything is connected to the internet these days – transport navigation systems, Internet-enabled phones, entertainment (music and video), shopping (credit cards and online stores), and the list goes on. Much of our daily lives rely on computers and keeping our computers safe from cyber criminals is very important.

Omar Todd


There are many risks, and some are more dangerous than others. Among the various risks, viruses could erase your entire system, wiping it clean from all data. It can allow cyber-criminals to break into your system and steal your credit card information, or use your computer to attack someone else. Even using the best antivirus, anti-malware, and spyware software cannot offer you 100% protection, but it is important that you take precautions to minimize the chances that you become a victim of a cyber-attack.


Protecting your system from cyber-attack requires you to be familiar with the various terms associated with it such as:

  • Hacker, Intruder, and Attacker – These are people who try to exploit weaknesses in computer systems and software for their gain.
  • Malicious Code – This is a broad category that includes any code that could attack your computer. In some cases, it might require you to do something like open an email attachment or click on a link to a web page. Viruses are examples of malicious code.
  • Vulnerability – Vulnerabilities could be caused by programming errors in the software. Applying security patches and updates will help keep the software secure.

Omar Todd is a cyber-security professional who has been in the IT industry for twenty years and serves on the council at the ICTTF (International Cyber Threat Task Force)

Omar Todd - Three Keys to Keeping Your Data Secure

Keeping your online data secure has become very important these days. With the number of cyber thefts taking place every day, you need to put in place proper solutions to ensure your business or personal data is not stolen. Here are three keys you can use to secure and protect your data:
Omar Todd
Security Patches

Cyber criminals are constantly creating new techniques to look for vulnerabilities in your security system so that they can gain access to your secure data. Hackers work with existing security patches and are always trying to find a way around them. You will need to make sure that your hardware and software security is constantly kept up to date with the latest antimalware patches and signatures.

Social Engineering

Even the most advanced technical IT security system you implement cannot take the place of human error and common sense. For decades, social engineering strategies have been used to get login information and access encrypted files. Recently, Rogers Communications was hacked when a hacker called pretending to be from the IT department, and was subsequently provided an employee’s login information. Human error and common sense are two things that need to be stressed when it comes to protecting your data.


Education and training go hand-in-hand, and are very important for most every business and individual. No matter what kind of cyber security system you have in place, if your users are unaware of the threats that exist, as well as how to protect their data, then no security system can stop potential hackers from accessing your data. Users should be trained how to identify a phishing email, avoid dangerous applications, create strong passwords and other relevant information.

Omar Todd has extensive experience in cyber security, having been in the IT industry for two decades and currently serves on the council at the ICTTF (International Cyber Threat Task Force)

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